Use "remains to be seen|remain to be seen" in a sentence

1. Whether the protests will cease remains to be seen.

2. Whether that will be enough to convince buyers to stick around remains to be seen.

3. It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.

4. Just what form our flight will take remains to be seen.

5. Whether the foreign aid will be enough to stabilize the country remains to be seen.

6. Whether the team can sustain its winning streak remains to be seen.

7. It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.

8. How successful such human efforts will be to preserve this “king of the jungle” remains to be seen.

9. How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.

10. Exactly how far the odor diffuses away from a woman remains to be seen .

11. Whether the Angstrom project settles on electrical or optical connections remains to be seen.

12. How he copes with a torn ligament in his pinkie remains to be seen.

13. It remains to be seen if the problems of aggregation can be resolved for larger sovereign debtors

14. 25 How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.

15. Remains of the Greisenegg palace and Obervoitsberg castle can be seen.

16. Mines remain to be seen as a very useful power amplifying tool by the PLAN.

17. Antwerp'S PLACE TO BE AND BE SEEN !!

18. But it remains to be seen whether this will exacerbate chronic unemployment or solve it.

19. It remains to be seen whether last week's record near miss has changed any minds.

20. It still remains to be seen whether Buchanan will be just a gadfly or a real threat to the president.

21. Teachers need to be seen to be in control.

22. It remains to be Seen if that is a genuine , substantial shift, or merely Aeon propaganda.

23. It remains to be seen whether all this makes the world safe from calamitous currency crunches.

24. Car details may meed to be thickened to be seen.

25. Blebs are too small to be seen and can not even be seen under a microscope

26. Whether Greece, Spain, and other euro-zone members will accept such wrenching adjustments remains to be seen.

27. 11 He is nowhere to be seen.

28. What remains to be seen is how the Iraqis themselves actually fit in their wishes against the calendar

29. The meaning of prevention in the new Children Act is multifaceted and it remains to be seen how it will be operationalized.

30. (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) What form that proclamation of “peace and security” will take remains to be seen.

31. It remains to be seen how quickly green consumerism, that most middle class of activities, can sort this out.

32. " Wherever you look there's something to be seen. "

33. This room is not fit to be seen!

34. Instead of being seen as the Admonishers, they want to be seen as trusted confidants

35. He must be seen to be productive until the bitter end.

36. You may be all right, but you have to be seen.

37. It would not be politic for you to be seen there.

38. l'm not afraid to be seen standing up to them.

39. It remains to be seen whether vaccines or chemotherapy will play a greater part in controlling the human immunodeficiency virus.

40. Do you all want to be seen as tramps?

41. Nowhere to be seen when the shrapnel was flying.

42. Her assertiveness was starting to be seen as arrogance.

43. Royal Ascot is certainly a place to be seen

44. We can't be seen together.

45. Whether the circle of churches exists, or whether it is a figment of a map-maker's imagination remains to be seen.

46. To start to be seen or to be present: He suddenly Appeared in the doorway

47. However, there is every indication that his phobia issues are real- - whether acrophobia or some other issue remains to be seen.

48. It remains to be seen whether the joy of anticipation is exactly equaled by the amount of disappointment after the lottery.

49. The government cannot be seen to give in to terrorists' demands.

50. To what extent India will be able to accommodate such demands to nurse its strategic aspirations and yet protect its vital economic and foreign policy autonomy remains to be seen.

51. You are free to remain silent until you have seen your lawyer.

52. No fluctuation and no angiomatous malformation was to be seen.

53. The Government must not only be above board , it must be seen to be so .

54. The opera was the place to see and be seen .

55. The shoreline could be dimly seen.

56. Guards can be seen patrolling everywhere.

57. It remains to be seen whether the anesthetic examined also inhibits glycogen synthesis by blocking glucose transport across the liver cell membrane.

58. And your shame will be seen,+

59. Able to be seen or understood: Her unhappiness was Apparent to everyone

60. However, the Football Association has to be seen to make an example.

61. Above was a five-Aisled basilica, of which only the remains of foundation walls can still be seen.

62. Now, from high above, whole sections can be seen to be on the move.

63. Thus it can be seen, may exchange the debenture issue demand to be exuberant.

64. Abrasion resistance can be seen is the capacity to absorb energy.

65. He wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.

66. 2 I'm ashamed to be seen in this rinky-dink car.

67. The square tango had to be seen to be believed - eat your hearts out, disco dancers!

68. Blazer Premier is the SUV you’ll love to be seen in

69. Non-Aryans came to be seen as impure and even evil

70. How this double love story goes on is to be seen.

71. Our cultural joy, our national joy is nowhere to be seen.

72. 20 Liability tended to be seen in terms of contractual duties.

73. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and Companioned exactly as it is

74. You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me.

75. Apollonius simply disappeared from the courtroom never to be seen again

76. He was now to be seen legging it across the field.

77. The species can be seen flying in mid- to late summer.

78. That has to be the second biggest slingshot I've ever seen.

79. Guillotines can't be seen in broad daylight

80. The mill can be seen grinding corn.